Meet our team
Current Lab members
Manuele Rebsamen
Assistant Professor
SLC and coffee aficionado
Léa Bernaleau
PhD Student
WB and tree lover
Maeva Delacrétaz
Technician & lab manager
DJ & runs the lab
Ales Drobek
Postdoctoral Fellow
In vivo or perish
Haobo Zhang
PhD student
IFN and snacks
Marta Monguió-Tortajada
Postdoctoral Fellow
Parasites and cakes
Althéa Salland
Master student
Ubiquitin and giggles
- Ebru Adigüzel: Pre-Master student (2023)
- Caroline Wagner: Pre-Master student (2022)
- Jakub Korzeniowski: Master student (2022-2023)
- Ed Hasanovic: Pre-Master student (2021)
- Mélissa Longepierre: Master student (2021-2022)
Do you want to join us?
We are always looking for enthusiastic people to join our team! Please apply by e-mailing your CV and an explanation of your motivation to
Do you want to pursue a PhD? We are a Host Lab for
UNIL’s PhD fellowship, you can apply with us!
We recruit master students every year through the UNIL Masters programs.
Candidates for a postdoctoral fellowship (e.g. EMBO, SNSF, HFSP) are encouraged to contact us.